TheGita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 08

The Gita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 08

The Gita - Chapter 11 - Shloka 08
Bhagwad Geeta 11-08-

The Gita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 08

Shloka 8

However, Dear Arjuna, understand that one can only see My divine form through divine eye-sight. You can never see Me through your mortal eyes. Therefore I will give you divine eye-sight to behold my divine Power and glory.

परन्तु मुझको तू इन अपने प्राकृत नेत्रों द्वारा देखने में निःसंदेह समर्थ नहीं है ; इसी से मैं तुझे दिव्य अर्थात् अलौकिक चक्षु देता हूँ ; इससे तू मेरी ईश्वरीय योग शक्त्ति को देख ।। ८ ।।


Visvarupa–Darsana yoga -11

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