TheGita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 9

The Gita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 9

The Gita - Chapter 2 - Shloka 9
Bhagwad Geeta 2-09 –

The Gita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 9

Shloka 9

Sanjaya said:

Dear Dhrtarashtra, my great king, after addressing HRISHIKESHA (Lord of the senses).  GUDUKESHA (conqueror of sleep), and PARAMTAPAH (destroyer of all enemies), ARJUN spoke clearly to the great Lord KRISHNA in a determined and assured voice that he would not fight, and then became silent.

संजय बोले —– हे राजन् ! निद्रा को जीतने वाले अर्जुन अन्तर्यामी श्रीकृष्ण महाराज के प्रति इस प्रकार कहकर फिर श्री गोविन्द भगवान् से ‘युद्ध नहीं करूँगा’ यह स्पष्ट कहकर चुप हो गये ।। ९ ।।


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