TheGita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 08-09

The Gita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 08- 09

The Gita - Chapter 5 - Shloka 08- 09
Bhagwad Geeta 5-08-09 –

The Gita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 08- 09

shloka 8 9

He who comes to the realization that, although he is physically performing actions such as seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, walking, sleeping, breathing, speaking, receiving, sacrificing, opening and closing eyes, and so on, that he is actually doing nothing, is a Yogi. O Arjuna, the truly wise Yogi knows that in reality, only the senses are acting among their sense objects.

तत्त्व को जानने वाला सांख्य योगी तो देखता हुआ, सुनता हुआ, स्पर्श करता हुआ ; सूंघता हुआ, भोजन करता हुआ, गमन करता हुआ, सोता हुआ, श्वास लेता हुआ, बोलता हुआ, त्यागता हुआ, ग्रहण करता हुआ तथा आँखों को खोलता और मूंदता हुआ भी, सब इन्द्रियां अपने-अपने अर्थों में बरत रही हैं —- इस प्रकार समझ कर नि:संदेह ऐसा माने कि मैं कुछ भी नहीं करता हूँ  ।। ८ – ९ ।।


Karma–Sanyasa yoga -5

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