TheGita – Chapter 6 – Shloka 32

The Gita – Chapter 6 – Shloka 32

The Gita - Chapter 6 - Shloka 32
Bhagwad Geeta 6-32-

Shloka 32

The Gita – Chapter 6 – Shloka 32

Dear Arjuna, the Yogi who looks upon all beings as his own self, treats all beings equally, and considers happiness and misery as the same, is truly a great being himself.

हे अर्जुन ! जो योगी अपनी भांति सम्पूर्ण भूतों में सम देखता है और सुख अथवा दुःख को भी सब में सम देखता है, वह योगी परम श्रेष्ठ माना गया है ।। ३२ ।।


Dhyan yoga or Atmasanyam yoga -6

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