TheGita – Chapter 9 – Shloka 10

The Gita – Chapter 9 – Shloka 10

The Gita - Chapter 9 - Shloka 10
Bhagwad Geeta 9-10-

Shloka 10

The Gita – Chapter 9 – Shloka 10

Dear Arjuna, under My supervision, it is through My Maya (nature) that the universe is created with all animate and inanimate (living and non-living) beings.

It is because of this fact that the whole universe revolves around the cycle of birth and death.

हे अर्जुन ! मुझ अधिष्ठाता के प्रकाश से प्रकृति चराचर सहित सर्व जगत् को रचती है और इस हेतु से ही संसार चक्र घूम रहा है ।। १० ।।


Raja–Vidya–Raja–Guhya yoga – 9

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