TheGita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 21

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 21

The Gita - Chapter 8 - Shloka 21
Bhagwad Geeta 8-21-

Shloka 21

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 21

The unmanifest (uncreated) is eternal and indestructible, O son of Kunti, and is the ultimate goal for all beings to achieve.When one has finally reached this ultimate goal, he does not come back into this world of temporary pleasure and misery. He achieves supreme bliss, peace and contentment. He then lives forever in My Supreme Abode.

जो अव्यक्त्त ‘अक्षर’ इस नाम से कहा गया है, उसी अक्षर नामक अव्यक्त्त भाव को परम गति कहते हैं तथा जिस सनातन अव्यक्त्त भाव को प्राप्त होकर मनुष्य वापस नहीं आते, वह मेरा परम धाम है ।। २१ ।।


Aksara–Brahma yoga – 8

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