Pride Pride
Anger Chapter – 2 – Shloka – 56 He whose mind is unaffected by misery or pleasure and is free from all bonds and attachments, fear and anger, is man, of steady wisdom and decisive intellect. दुःखों की प्राप्ति होने पर जिसके मन में उद्बेग नहीं होता, सुखों की प्राप्ति में जो सर्वथा नि:स्पृह है …
Fear Chapter – 4 – Shloka -10 O Arjuna, if one really to seek refuge and be one with Me, he must totally free himself from passion, fear and anger, seek my protection only, and purify himself with the fire of Gyan (knowledge). If one manages to accomplish these thing, he will be able to …
Lust Chapter – 3 – Shloka -37 Arjuna asked the Lord: O Lord Krishna, what motivates a person to commit sins that were committed involuntarily or by the force of others? अर्जुन बोले —- हे कृष्ण ! तो फिर यह मनुष्य स्वयं न चाहता हुआ भी बलात्कार से लगाये हुए की भांति किससे प्रेरित होकर …
Confusion Chapter – 2 – Shloka – 56 He whose mind is unaffected by misery or pleasure and is free from all bonds and attachments, fear and anger, is man, of steady wisdom and decisive intellect. दुःखों की प्राप्ति होने पर जिसके मन में उद्बेग नहीं होता, सुखों की प्राप्ति में जो सर्वथा नि:स्पृह है …
Feeling Sinful Chapter – 4 – Shloka -36 O Arjuna, even if you are the greatest sinner in the world, this river of sins can be crossed with the boat of Gyan. यदि तू अन्य सब पापियों से भी अधिक पाप करने वाला है, तो भी तू ज्ञान रूप नौका द्वारा नि:संदेह सम्पूर्ण पाप समुद्र …
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