Chapter – 15

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Shrimad Bhagwad Gita – Chapter – 15 (Complete)

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -1

Bhagwad Geeta 15-01-

The Dear Lord explained to Arjuna:

O Arjuna, there exists an enormous, everlasting, and divinely pure tree known as the indestructable ASVAATTHAM (COSMIC TREE OF LIFE*). The extraordinary things about this tree, is that it has its roots above at its peak and its branches are located at the lowest part of the tree. It’s pure, green leaves are the VEDAS (Holy Scriptures and Sacred Songs). He who believes and realizes this truth, also knows and understands the VEDAS.

*(In reality, the tree is Lord Krishna himself, where He is above in the heavens, namely the roots of the tree, and the branches representing all humanity, and extending from the Lord, are found on the surface below heaven).

श्री भगवान् बोले —–आदिपुरुषपरमेश्वर रूप मूल वाले और ब्रह्मा रूप मुख्य शाखा वाले जिस संसार रूप पीपल के वृक्ष को अविनाशी* कहते हैं, तथा वेद जिसक पत्ते कहे गये हैं —-उस संसार रूप वृक्ष को जो पुरुष मूल सहित तत्व से जानता है, वह वेद के तात्पर्य को जानने वाला है ।। १ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -2


Bhagwad Geeta 15-02-

Its branches extend both below and above, form the earth to heaven (and vice-versa). It is the great powers of nature that nourish the tree and give it life. Its ouds represent the sensual objects that inspire pleasure in all beings.

The roots that stretch a far distance downward (from the heavens) into the world of man are bounded as firmly to the earth as man is bound to the mortal world because of his selfish actions and lust for material rewards.

उस संसार वृक्ष की तीनों गुणों रूप जल के द्वारा बढ़ी हुई एवं विषय भोग रूप कोपलों वाली देव, मनुष्य और तिर्यक् आदि योनि रूप शाखाएँ नीचे ऊपर सर्वत्र फैली हुई हैं तथा मनुष्य लोक में क़र्मो के अनुसार बाँधने वाली अहंता ममता और वासना रूप जड़ें भी नीचे और ऊपर सभी लोकों में व्याप्त हो रही हैं ।। २ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -3


Bhagwad Geeta 15-03-

Man cannot see this celestial tree nor even perceive its greatness. Man cannot see its changing forms nor its beginning, its end, nor its foundations. The only way one may be able to free oneself from the roots of this tree (which have spread and created this world of material attachment), is to cut free from these roots with the mighty sword of non-attachment.

इस संसार वृक्ष का स्वरूप जैसा कहा है ; वैसा यहाँ विचार काल में नहीं पाया जाता ; क्योंकि न तो इसका आदि है और न अन्त है तथा न इसकी अच्छी प्रकार से स्थिति ही है इस लिये इस अहंता, ममता और वासना रूप अति दृढ.मूलों वाले संसार रूप पीपल के वृक्ष को दृढ. वैराग्य स्वरूप शस्त्र द्वारा काट कर —– ।। ३ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -4


Bhagwad Geeta 15-04-

If a man finds and proceeds along this path of non-attachment, he can say that he has truly discovered the way by which he can attain peaceful refuge and shelter in the Eternal Spirit (the Great beginning of all things is form whom all creation has evolved (namely, LORD KRISHNA Himself).

उसके पश्चात् उस परम पद रूप परमेश्वर को भली भाँति खोजना चाहिये, जिसमें गये हुए पुरुष फिर लौट कर संसार में नहीं आते और जिस परमेश्वर से इस पुरातन संसार वृक्ष की प्रवृति विस्तार को प्राप्त हुई है, उसी आदि पुरुष नारायण के मैं शरण हूँ —-इस प्रकार द्ढ़ निश्चय करके उस परमेश्वर का मनन और निदिध्यासन करना चाहिये ।। ४ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -5


Bhagwad Geeta 15-05-

A man whose thinking is pure and consists of no evil; a man who has totally freed himself from the bondages of pride and delusion; who has broken free from the chains of attachment and all material desires; who has surrendered all selfish desires; who has learned to direct full concentration of the mind on the Supreme Spirit; and who has liberated himself from the opposing feelings of pleasure and pain, always achieves a place in the divine and Eternal Abode (shelter) that is within Me, the Almighty.

जिसका मान और मोह नष्ट हो गया है, जिन्होंने आसक्ति रूप दोष को जीत लिया है, जिनकी परमात्मा के स्वरूप में नित्य स्थिति है और जिनकी कामनाएँ पुर्ण रूप से नष्ट हो गयी है —–वे सुख-दुःख नामक द्बन्द्बों से विमुक्त्त ज्ञानी जन उस अविनाशी परम पद को प्राप्त होते हैं ।। ५ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -6


Bhagwad Geeta 15-06-

That place upon which the sun cannot cast its glorious radiance, where the moon can shed no light, and where no fire, burns is what is known as My Supreme Abode. Here only the radiant light of My Eternal Glory shines. Those who reach this sacred destination, never return to suffer in this world again O Arjuna.

जिस परम पद को प्राप्त होकर मनुष्य लौट कर संसार में नहीं आते, उस स्वयं प्रकाश परम पद को न सूर्य प्रकाशित कर सकता है, न चन्द्रमा और न अग्नि ही ; वही मेरा परम धाम है ।। ६ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -7


Bhagwad Geeta 15-07-

The Blessed Lord confided:
O Arjuna, in this world, a certain fraction of My Eternal Spirit taken birth. This fragment of My Supreme Soul attracts the five senses plus an additional sixth one known as the mind and resides within the human body, in the realm of nature, on earth.

इस देह में यह सनातन जीवात्मा मेरा ही अंश है और वही इन प्रकृति में स्थित मन और पाँचों इन्द्रियों को आकर्षण करता है ।। ७ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -8


Bhagwad Geeta 15-08-

When I, the Lord of all the bodies that walk on this earth, enter a particular body. (and give it life and soul), and later when I leave this body (in the form of the body’s soul), I take the senses and the mind with Me and drift away like the wind that carries away sweet fragrances from their hidden sources within nature.

वायु गन्ध के स्थान से गन्ध को जैसे ग्रहण करके ले जाता है, वैसे ही देहादि का स्वामी जीवात्मा भी जिस शरीर का त्याग करता है, उससे इन मन सहित इन्द्रियों को ग्रहण करके फिर जिस शरीर को प्राप्त होता है ——उसमें जाता है ।। ८ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -9


Bhagwad Geeta 15-09-

Therefore, O Arjuna, after I enter the body of a particular being in this world, as its soul, I bestow upon this being its five senses namely, its eyesight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, as well as its mind and furthermore it is because of Me that these senses function and stay operable. Thus, a being is able to experience the various objects in this world through his senses.

यह जीवात्मा श्रोत्र, चक्षु और त्वचा को तथा रसना, घ्राण और मन को आश्रय करके ——अर्थात् इन सब के सहारे से ही विषयों का सेवन करता है ।। ९ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -10


Bhagwad Geeta 15-10-

O Arjuna, only those people whose vision is clouded and whose mind is deluded are unable to see and realize Me as actually existing within them as their inner-selves and they do not realize that I am a part of human nature itself, whether or not I stay or depart from within them.

However dear Arjuna, those who possess wisdom in their vision and in their minds, truly realize that I live within them and that in reality all beings are actually joined together with Me as Soul and Supreme Soul.

शरीर को छोड़ कर जाते हुए को अथवा शरीर में स्थित हुए को अथवा विषयों को भोगते हुए को इस प्रकार तीनों गुणों से युक्त्त हुए को भी अज्ञानी जन नहीं जानते, केवल ज्ञान रूप नेत्रों वाले विवेक शील ज्ञानी ही तत्व से जानते हैं ।। १० ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -11


Bhagwad Geeta 15-11-

Those people who are pure at heart and are constantly striving to see Me, inevitably see Me, the Lord who dwells in their own heart. However those people who are impure at heart and in their minds never perceive Me, the Supreme Spirit, no matter how much they strive.

यत्न करने वाले योगी जन भी अपने ह्रदय में स्थित इस आत्मा को तत्व से जानते हैं ; किंतु जिन्होंने अपने अन्त:करण को शुद्ध नहीं किया है, ऐसे अज्ञानी जन तो यत्न करते रहने पर भी इस आत्मा को नहीं जानते ।। ११ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -12


Bhagwad Geeta 15-12-

The Blessed Lord spoken in His Divine Voice: Arjuna, you should realize and always remember that the beautiful and overwhelming light that comes from the sun and illuminates the whole universe, the soft and splendrous light that is emitted by the moon, and the radiant glow of a fire, all come from within Me and exist because of me alone.

सूर्य में स्थित जो तेज सम्पूर्ण जगत् को प्रकाशित करता है तथा जो तेज चन्द्रमा में है और जो अग्नि में है —उसको तू मेरा ही तेज जान ।। १२ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -13


Bhagwad Geeta 15-13-

Upon entering into this world from the Heavens, O Arjuna, it is My Divine Energy that gives life and support to all things on this earth. As such, My Glory is so Divine and Beautiful that I become the Sacred *Some plant that nourishes all the other plants and herbs on this earth. *(The Soma or Moon plant, as it is literally translated, contains syrup that is considered to be very nourishing and healthy.)

और मैं ही पृथ्वी में प्रवेश करके अपनी शक्त्ति से सब भूतों को धारण करता हूँ और रस स्वरूप अर्थात् अमृत मय चन्द्रमा होकर सम्पूर्ण ओषधियों को अर्थात् वनस्पतियों को पुष्ट करता हूँ ।। १३ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -14


Bhagwad Geeta 15-14-

O Arjuna, at the same time, I also become the fire of life that exists in all things that breathe on this earth. Together, with the fiery breaths of life that flow in and flow out of body, I burn and digest the four kinds of pure foods on this earth, while residing in a being’s body.

मैं ही सब प्राणियों के शरीर के स्थित रहने वाला प्राण और अपान से संयुक्त्त वैश्वानर अग्निरूप होकर चार प्रकार के अन्न को पचाता हूँ ।। १४ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -15


Bhagwad Geeta 15-15-

The Blessed Lord declared:
I exist in the hearts of all beings O Arjuna, It is because of Myself that a being’s memory and wisdom exists, otherwise without Me, both memory and wisdom are lost. I am undoubtedly the author of the Vedas as well as he who is knowledgeable about all the Vedas. You must also recognize Me O Arjuna, as the Author of the Vedanta (the end of the Vedas).

(The Lord is the knower of all things that lie in the realm of this universe which are represented by the Vedas as well as all things that lie beyond the realm of this universe which are represented by the Vedanta.)

मैं ही सब प्राणियों के ह्रदय में अन्तर्यामी रूप से स्थित हूँ तथा मुझ से ही स्मृति, ज्ञान और अपोहन होता है और सब वेदों द्वारा मैं ही जानने के योग्य हूँ तथा वेदान्त का कर्ता और वेदों को जानने वाला भी मैं ही हूँ ।। १५ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -16


Bhagwad Geeta 15-16-

There are two souls or spirits in this universe O Arjuna, namely, the destructible and indestructible. The destructible are all the those souls that are living in this universe and the indestructible are those souls that can never be subjected to change and are steady in their devotion to Me (therefore achieving immortality).

इस संसार में नाशवान् और अविनाशी भी ये दो प्रकार के पुरुष हैं । इनमे सम्पूर्ण भूत प्राणियों के शरीर तो नाशवान् और जीवात्मा अविनाशी कहा जाता है ।। १६ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -17


Bhagwad Geeta 15-17-

However dear Arjuna, there is another spirit that is the highest of all spirits and it is called the Supreme Spirit. The Supreme Spirit is none other than Me, the Eternal and Omniscient (existing everywhere) Lord who supports this entire universe.

इन दोनों से उत्तम पुरुष तो अन्य ही है, जो तीनों लोकों में प्रवेश करके सबका धारण-पोषण करता है एवं अविनाशी परमेश्वर और परमात्मा इस प्रकार गया है ।। १७ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -18


Bhagwad Geeta 15-18-

Lord Krishna explained:
Because I am beyond all perishable objects on earth and because I even surpass all that is imperishable, I am known throughout the world and in all the Holy Scriptures (Vedas), as the Supreme and Divine Spirit.

क्योंकि मैं नाशवान् जड. वर्ग क्षेत्र से तो सर्वथा अतीत हूँ और अविनाशी जीवात्मा से भी उत्तम हूँ, इसलिये लोक में और वेद में भी पुरुषोत्तम नाम से प्रसिद्ध हूँ ।। १८ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -19


Bhagwad Geeta 15-19-

He who has a clear vision and is constantly occupied with only divine and pure thoughts, comes to immediately realize that I am the Highest and most Superior Being in this universe. He who truly realize this fact knows all that is to be known in this world and thus he worships Me, with all his might and soul.

भारत ! जो ज्ञानी पुरुष मुझको इस प्रकार तत्व से पुरुषोतम जानता है, वह सर्वज्ञ पुरुष सब प्रकार से निरन्तर मुझ वासुदेव परमेश्वर को ही भजता है ।। १९ ।।

Chapter – 15 – Shloka -20

Bhagwad Geeta 15-20-

Dear Arjuna, I have thus revealed to you, the most secret and most sacred of all teachings in this world. By fully knowing and understanding this secret My Dear Devotee, any man can truly see the Divine Light of wisdom and he, thus, will have fulfilled all his tasks and duties in this world.

हे निष्पाप अर्जुन ! इस प्रकार यह अति रहस्ययुक्त्त गोपनीय शास्त्र मेरे द्वारा कहा गया, इसको तत्व से जान कर मनुष्य ज्ञानवान् और कृतार्थ हो जाता है ।। २० ।।


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