TheGita – Chapter 10 – Shloka 03

The Gita – Chapter 10 – Shloka 03

The Gita - Chapter 10 - Shloka 03
Bhagwad Geeta 10-03-

Shloka 3

The Gita – Chapter 10 – Shloka 03

The Blessed Lord declared:
He who fully understands ME (in all respects) as being without a beginning or an end,and Lord of the universe,is truly the wisest person among all men and is released from all his sins.

जो मुझको अजन्मा  अर्थात्त् वास्तव में जन्मरहित, अनादि और लोकों का महान ईश्वर तत्व से जानना है, वह मनुष्यों में ज्ञानवान् पुरुष सम्पूर्ण पापो से मुक्त्त हो जाता है ।। ३ ।।


Vibhuti–Vistara–yoga 10

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