TheGita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 18

The Gita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 18

The Gita - Chapter 11 - Shloka 18
Bhagwad Geeta 11-18-

The Gita – Chapter 11 – Shloka 18

Shloka 18

You are immortal, imperishable and never ending. You are the height of knowledge and the Supreme to be realized by all. You are the support of this large universe. I think you to be the guardian and ruler of the eternal law of purity and virtue. You are the ever-lasting Spirit who is, and always has been, at the very beginning of all things in the universe.

आप ही जानने योग्य परम अक्षर अर्थात् परब्रह्म परमात्मा हैं, आप ही इस जगत् के परम आश्रय हैं, आप ही अनादि धर्म के रक्षक है और आप ही अविनाशी सनातन पुरुष हैं । ऐसा मेरा मत हैं ।। १८ ।।


Visvarupa–Darsana yoga -11

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