The Gita – Chapter 13 – Shloka 12
The Gita – Chapter 13 – Shloka 12
Shloka 12
I shall now state that which has to be known, knowing which one attains to immortality; the Supreme Brahman is beginningless and he is called neither ‘Sat’ (being) nor ‘Asat’ (non-being).
जो जानने योग्य है तथा जिसको जानकर मनुष्य परमानन्द को प्राप्त होता है, उसको भली भाँति कहूँगा । वह अनादि वाला परम ब्रह्म न सत् ही कहा जाता है, न असत् ही ।। १२ ।।