The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 08
The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 08
Shloka 8
Men of this evil nature generally say that this world has no truth; is without a basis for morality and good-will; that no Lord exists and that nobody should show any love or devotion to Him; that there is no regular sequence (or law) of creation; and that birth is only the result of a natural union (of man and woman) and comes about due to pure lust and nothing else.
वे आसुरी प्रकृति वाले मनुष्य कहा करते हैं कि जगत् आश्रयरहित, सर्वथा असत्य और बिना ईश्वर के, अपने आप केवल स्त्री-पुरुष के संयोग से उत्पन्न है, अतएव केवल काम ही इसका कारण है । इसके सिवा और क्या है ? ।। ८ ।।
jy dwarikadhish
hare krishna..;