The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 09
The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 09
Shloka 9
Standing firmly by these and other wrong beliefs throughout their lives, these evil men (whose souls have become corrupt and lost), show very little intelligence and are constantly absorbed in performing their evil tasks and wrong-doings. These demonic people are the enemies of this world and its people, and are leading it to total destruction.
इस मिथ्या ज्ञान को अवलम्बन करके — जिनका स्वभाव नष्ट हो गया है तथा जिनकी बुद्भि मन्द है, वे सबका अपकार करने वाले कूरकर्मी मनुष्य केवल जगत् के नाश के लिये ही समर्थ होते हैं ।। ९ ।।