The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 15 – 16
The Gita – Chapter 16 – Shloka 15 – 16
Shloka 15 16
‘I am wealthy and come from a very well-to-do and quite noble family. Who else in the world can compare to my greatness? I shall sacrifice during religious rituals (whether I believe in them or not).
I shall give to various charities (to be celebrated as a great supporter of these charities) I shall thoroughly enjoy life as I please.’This, O Arjuna, is what people who are in a deluded,confused and corrupted state say.
These peole who are confused by many foul thoughts and evil influences, entangled in the net of unending darkness and obsessive desires for material gains, they are blackened souls who fall down into a foul hell in the end.
मै बड़ा धनी और बड़े कुटुम्ब वाला हूँ । मेरे समान दूसरा कौन है ? मैं यज्ञ करूँगा, दान दूंगा और आमोद प्रमोद करूँगा । इस प्रकार अज्ञान से मोहित रहने वाले तथा अनेक प्रकार से भ्रमित चित्त वाले मोह रूप जाल से समावृत और विषय भोगों में अत्यन्त आसक्त आसुर लोग महान् अपवित्र नरक में गिरते हैं ।। १५ – १६ ।।
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