The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 64
The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 64
Shloka 64
O Arjuna, because of My deep love and respect for you, your friendship and your devotion to Me. I will reveal to you once more, the most confidential portion of My Divine Knowledge. Hear these words once more O Arjuna, because they will lead you to salvation and Eternal Happiness.
सम्पूर्ण गोपनीयों से अति गोपनीय मेरे परम रहस्ययुक्त्त वचन को तू फिर भी सुन । तू मेरा अतिशय प्रिय हैं, इससे यह परम हित कारक वचन मैं तुमसे कहूँगा ।। ६४ ।।
Jai Shree Krishna.
jai shree radhey krishna ji
Om shree namo narayan
Radhe radhe