The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 72
The Gita – Chapter 18 – Shloka 72
Shloka 72
Have you heard these words of wisdom My Dear Devotee, with your mind at perfect concentration and with silence in your soul? Have you truly rid yourself of the darkness of your delusion? Has it been replaced by the inner light of wisdom, O Arjuna.
हे पार्थ ! क्या इस ( गीता शास्त्र ) को तूने एकाग्रचित से श्रवण किया ? और हे धनंजय ! क्या तेरा अज्ञान जनित मोह नष्ट हो गया ।। ७२ ।।
Tamso maa joytir gamyam
Moksha is only the for libration from cycle of birth and death
Om namo narayan
Jai Shree Krishna.
Jai Shree Krishna