TheGita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 59

The Gita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 59

The Gita - Chapter 2 - Shloka 59
Bhagwad Geeta 2-59 –

The Gita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 59

Shloka 59

One who does not use his senses for the enjoyment of sensual objects can overcome and rise above sensual objects. However, he is not able to leave off the attachment to his senses. One who realizes God or the Supreme, gers rid of attachments to the senses as well.

इन्द्रियों के द्वारा विषयों को ग्रहण न करने वाले पुरुष के भी केवल विषय तो निवृत हो जाते हैं, परन्तु उनमें रहने वाली आसक्त्ति निवृत नहीं होती । इस स्थिर प्रज्ञ पुरुष की तो आसक्त्ति भी परमात्मा का साक्षात्कार करके निवृत हो जाती है ।। ५९ ।।


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