The Gita – Chapter 3 – Shloka 27
The Gita – Chapter 3 – Shloka 27
shloka 27
The Blessed Lord Krishna spoke:
O Arjuna, all actions that are performed by beings, are done so by three modes of Prakrithi or three aspects of nature. However, ignorant people claim themselves as the performer of their actions.
वास्तव में सम्पूर्ण कर्म सब प्रकार से प्रकृति के गुणों द्वारा किये जाते हैं तो भी जिसका अन्त:करण अहंकार से मोहित हो रहा है, ऐसा अज्ञानी ‘मैं कर्ता हूँ’ ऐसा मानता है ।। २७ ।।