The Gita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 03
The Gita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 03
Shloka 3
Oh Arjuna a true Sannyaasi is one who has no doubts about anything he does or encounters in his life; who has no enemies whatsoever, and above all, who is free from all desires (for material objects). If he has accomplished all these tasks, then he is truly liberated from the bondages of the world.
हे अर्जुन ! जो पुरुष न किसी से द्बेष करता है और न किसी की आकांक्षा करता है, वह कर्मयोगी सदा संन्यासी ही समझने योग्य है ; क्योंकि राग-द्बेषादि द्बन्द्बों से रहित पुरुष सुख पूर्वक संसार बन्धन से मुक्त्त हो जाता है ।। ३ ।।