TheGita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 09

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 09

The Gita - Chapter 8 - Shloka 09
Bhagwad Geeta 8-09-

Shloka 9

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 09

Dear Arjuna, one who is constantly fixed in meditation upon God, who is the omniscient (everywhere), omnipotent (ever-powerful), infinite (never-ending) ruler over all being, preserver of everybody, whose form cannot be conceived readily by any being, who is as brilliant as the Sun, and who is beyond the darkness of ignorance.

जो पुरुष सर्वज्ञ, अनादि, सबके नियन्ता*, सूक्ष्म से भी अति सूक्ष्म, सबके धारण-पोषण करने वाले, अचिन्त्य स्वरूप, सूर्य के सदृश नित्य चेतन प्रकाश रूप और अविद्या से परे, शुद्भ सच्चिदानन्दधन परमेश्वर का स्मरण करता है ।। ९ ।।


Aksara–Brahma yoga – 8

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