TheGita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 12-13

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 12-13

The Gita - Chapter 8 - Shloka 12-13
Bhagwad Geeta 8-12-13-

Shloka 12 13

The Gita – Chapter 8 – Shloka 12-13

When a Yogi has fully controlled all of his senses, fixes his mind in the heart, concentrates on nothing but God, concentrates all of his life’s breath in his head, fully establishes his being in the practice of Yoga.
Just as one is about to leave his body, he should chant “Om” as one of God’s many names, thinking of Me(the Lord) in the last few moments of his life. This is the key to the attainment of the Supreme state known as salvation.

सब इन्द्रियों के द्वारों को रोक कर तथा मन को ह्रध्शे में स्थिर करके, फिर उस जीते हुए मन के द्वारा प्राण को मस्तक में स्थापित करके, परमात्मा सम्बन्धी योग धारणा में स्थित होकर जो पुरुष ‘ओउम्’ इस एक अक्षर रूप ब्रह्म को उच्चारण करता हुआ और उसके अर्थ स्वरूप मुझ निर्गुण ब्रह्म का चिन्तन करता हुआ शरीर को त्याग कर जाता हैं, वह पुरुष परम गति को प्राप्त होता है ।। १२ – १३ ।।


Aksara–Brahma yoga – 8

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